Terracotta Lite across the Internet
Terracotta Lite’s (me) appearances on the Web.
EMAIL: terracottalite@gmail.com
Not proud of my email setup, but here it is.
PGP Key for encrypting mail is here or just run (on Unix based systems):
curl -sL https://terracottalite.neocities.org/terracottalite.pgp | gpg --import
- Fingerprint: 4812 C65B 0325 24FF DF6D 02C9 2DFB E1F8 1193 CFD3
GITHUB: Terracotta-Lite
Toy projects, nothing useful.
GITLAB: TerracottaLite
I have one but there is nothing here, except contributions to other projects.
NEOCITIES: terracottalite
You are already here. (probably)
YOUTUBE: Terracotta Lite
Not used anymore, don’t expect me to upload stuff. (cringe alert)